Happy Tails

Mr. Heart

“Oh no” we thought as we saw the call coming from the kind folks at the landfill. Immediately the roller coaster of emotions begins – dread because we know these poor kitties are always in bad shape, and gratitude because we have the chance to save them. Enter Mr. Heart, a big beautiful buff color…

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Mr. Heart

Andre the Giant

It was a phone call from our friends at Ocean State Veterinary Specialists – they had a beautiful sweet cat who sustained severe trauma to his leg from a vicious dog attack. The family was heartbroken, but could not afford the immediate invasive surgery and after care it would take to save his life. Their…

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Popcorn: A Very Cool Kitty from the City

We are told he lived on the streets of Providence for many years, did old Popcorn. He was a cool and gentle kitty who hung around hoping for a handout and seemed to belong to no one in particular. Then one winter a nice lady noticed that Popcorn wasn’t looking so good. It was cold…

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Hannah & Miracle: The Landfill Kitties

It happens more often than we ever want to think – kittens found in a landfill, starving, covered in fleas and filth, sick and crying for help. Such was the case with Hannah and Miracle, tiny kittens who were found at different times but in the same condition. Lucky for Hannah, she was found in…

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Fluffer Nutter

Fluffer Nutter had been outdoors for some time before coming to Scruffy Paws in December of 2019. He had been out smarting his feeder and trapper for over a week BUT they didn’t give up and eventually got him! Fluffer Nutter had some serious wounds and abscesses on his ears, completely matted, unaltered, and reeks…

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Fluffer Nutter Before


Hercules before his rescue. Hercules had a rough start in life and came to us after eating part of a glove due to his extreme hunger outdoors. He had surgery to remove the glove, which we were unsure of his outcome considering his frail body but he was able to make a FULL recovery. Then…

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