We are told he lived on the streets of Providence for many years, did old Popcorn. He was a cool and gentle kitty who hung around hoping for a handout and seemed to belong to no one in particular. Then one winter a nice lady noticed that Popcorn wasn’t looking so good. It was cold out so she let him sneak into the hallway of her apartment building.

The wear and tear of living on the streets was clearly taking its toll, so thankfully he made his way to us, and oh what a mess he was! He had cuts, sores, fleas, missing fur, scabs, itchy skin, rotten teeth and worst of all (or so we thought) his eye lashes were rubbing on his eyeballs, a terrible painful condition. Even with all that discomfort, old Pops was the sweetest most lovable fella. And, did we mention, a very cool dude? He sailed through eye surgery, dental surgery and a skin biopsy with his usual loving demeanor and we hoped he would soon be mended and ready to find his forever home. But Popcorn was full of surprises. Our hearts broke when we found a bb in his leg. And his skin just wouldn’t heal. He was so itchy he seemed to be allergic to EVERYTHING. Truth be told, we didn’t mind that we had to keep the lovable purr machine longer than expected so we could solve this mystery before letting him go. But we knew he deserved the very best home and were determined to get him there.

Finally, with a special diet and focused medication along with a lot of brushing, Popcorn began to improve. We will never know how such a loving sweet kitty like Popcorn wound up on the street, but now he has the best home EVER. And of course, cool dude that he is, Popcorn also has his own Instagram account. Check it out!
