“Oh no” we thought as we saw the call coming from the kind folks at the landfill. Immediately the roller coaster of emotions begins – dread because we know these poor kitties are always in bad shape, and gratitude because we have the chance to save them. Enter Mr. Heart, a big beautiful buff color boy with soft green eyes that melted the hearts of everyone who met him.

Mr. Heart somehow made it through a likely toss in some heavy equipment without serious injury, but he had plenty of other issues including a severe Upper Respiratory Infection, a heavy parasitic load, an ear hematoma, heartworms and severe periodontal disease with gingivitis and oral pain. To top it off, Mr. Heart also tested positive for Feline Immunodeficiency Virus (FIV). Our goal was to immediately get Mr. Heart on all the medication he needed to combat infection, infestation and pain. Surgery to extract all teeth and some roots was needed as soon as he could medically withstand the procedure because, as hungry as he was, it wasn’t possible for him to take more than a bite of food without crying in pain. Through it all, Mr. Heart was so gentle. He knew we were there to help.

Thanks to generous donations to the Dewey Fund, Mr. Heart was able to receive all the treatment he needed, has healed well and now lives happily with his new family who adores him. He is such a sweet mush, all of our hearts grew three times the day we met him. Live well, Mr. Heart. We love you!